That 6 letter word we're all so afraid to talk about.
I don't think I realized just how stressful starting Kahmune would be. I knew starting a new business would be a lot of work and after finding out that footwear businesses are the hardest fashion businesses to keep afloat I told myself to settle in. The reality of the situation is that a founder can never really truly be prepared for what this journey will throw at you. Finding a manufacturer was hard but I persevered. Figuring out the most effect way to ship international orders took some time but I got that one figured out as well. Heck, even planning some of these launch events had my blood pressure going a bit. If I've learned anything about this journey it's that you have to settle in to not only the peaks but also the valleys. I have a renewed sense of commitment to riding the waves after my experience a few weeks back.
Three weeks ago I hit rock bottom. I don't know why I've been so hesitant to be so open about it but for those that don't know, or have yet to meet me, I pretty much run Kahmune on my own. I've had help here and there from interns and my family, particularly my sister, has been an amazing source of support but at the end of day 99% of the responsibilities of the brand fall on me. I oversee design, shipping, fulfillment, social media, emails you name it. I few weeks ago I got an email from a customer who said the brand seems so grown and established that she forgets its' just one woman behind it!
For the last 2 years I've poured my blood, sweat, tears, and many a glass of wine in the name of creating a brand that includes all of us. I spent so much time and energy taking care of business, literally, that somewhere along the way I've forgotten to take care of the most important part of this business: ME. No one teaches you how to run a business and there have been many stressful points that I've excused as "part of the process." Such may be the case, but no process should ever come at the expenses of your health, physically and mentally.
I didn't get to issue a formal statement or even a post this year on World Mental health day although I wish I had as I think this is one of the first times in my life I've had to pay attention to my mental health. Kahmune has been the best thing to happen to me, but it's also made me realize how diligent we all must be when it comes to taking care of ourselves and being honest and upfront about the fact that we all need a break sometimes. For me, mental health is not about illness as we're so often led to believe, but in actuality, just checking in on yourself and others to make sure we're doing ok. If you're wondering, I'M FINE! I took a much needed couple of days off, caught up with friends, and had firm stopping points for work each day. Though I'm feeling refreshed, I'm cognizant that I need a true break from working and have decided to award myself one this coming December holiday. With that in mind, I've got a few announcements for these last few months of 2018 below! I hope if you're read this far, and this has resonated with you in any way, that it inspires you to do what you need to take care of yourself. What are some of the ways you de-stress Kahmunity? Do you have daily, weekly, or even monthly activities or reminders to help you cope?
That' all for now! Hope your'e all well.
All my best,
Jamela A Acheampong Founder and Brand Director